Thursday, December 3, 2009

Kuserah Cinta Ini


Kuserah Cinta Ini

Album : Kembalilah Kasih
Munsyid : Suara Hati

Kuserah segala ketentuan
Biarlah masa yang berbicara
Di pangku wajah yang layu
Dan aku telah jemu

Aku tidak mahu berpaling
Pada yang mengganggu dan menggugat
Sapanya meletihkan diri
Hadirnya mengundang penat

Telah kuserah cinta ini
Bukan lagi pada manusia
Kerana cinta martabat itu
Bersalut segunung kepalsuan
Dan kepuraan

Aku semakin tidak peduli
Apa yang mahu akan terjadi
Kerana gerak dan tindakanku
Mahu bebas dari masalah

Aku adalah aku sekarang
Biar terbuang tetap berjuang
Akan kuserah jiwa ini
Sepenuh hati dalam perjuangan

Aku adalah aku yang berjuang..

Lagu: Isman Nadim
Lirik: Pahrol Mohd Juoi

Monday, November 16, 2009

mabruk Usayd & Aween..


Alhamdulillah, aween selamat deliver baby boy 2.98 kg at 1526 today, tq 4 ur doa

Sender: Usayd

Received: 04:24:27pm 15.11.2009

Alhamdulillah, Aween masih di PrinceCourt 6H-03 malam tadi bersama Usayd dan baby. Mungkin stay 3-4 days lagi, kata Aween. Lagi gambar2 menyusul kemudian.

Alhamdulillah, tahniah Usayd dan Aween dah jadi Abah dan Mama. Dari Maklong dan Paklong yang baru jadi Maklong dan Paklong.. :)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

.:: Alhamdulillah ::.


Ya Allah, Engkau adalah Rabb-ku, tidak ada Ilah selain Engkau
Engkau ciptakan aku, & aku adalah hamba-Mu
Aku akan menjalankan semua janjiku untuk-Mu dengan segala kemampuanku
Aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari keburukan yg aku lakukan
Aku kembali kepada-Mu dengan segala nikmat-Mu atasku & aku mengakui dosa-dosaku
Maka ampunilah aku kerana tidak ada yg memberi ampunan terhadap dosa-dosa kecuali Engkau

Barangsiapa bertaqwa kepada Allah, niscaya Dia akan membukakan baginya jalan keluar. Dan Dia memberinya rizki dari arah yg tidak disangka-sangka. Dan barangsiapa bertawakal kepada Allah, niscaya akan mencukupinya. Sehingga Allah melaksanakan urusan (yg dikehendaki)-Nya. Sesungguhnya Allah telah mengadakan ketentuan bagi tiap-tiap sesuatu.~ (65:2-3)

Ya Allah Yang Maha Pemurah
Thabatkan i’tiqadku kepada-Mu
Peliharalah keyakinanku pada janji-janji-Mu
Agar dapat terus kubajai kasihku pada-Mu dengannya

Ya Allah Yang Maha Mendengar
Jangan Engkau jauhkan kemanisan taqwa dan tawakkal ini dariku
Jangan Engkau hilangkan keindahan sabar dan redha ini dariku
Agar aku bisa tenang dengan cinta-Mu

syukurku dan sujudku atas nikmat yang Engkau limpahkan padaku pada hari ini..

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

terima kasih ~


21st October - Detik2 terawal melihat dunia, menatap wajah mak dan abah - Jessop Hospital, Sheffield

Roses on the front page of The Sun today - which brings lots more for real throughout the day!

E-card dari mak dan abah - blooming roses.. terima kasih mak & abah..

Surprise delivery from summerpot florist - visualisation of purple roses - terima kasih, Kak Maizan..

Kak Maizan belanja lunch lagi.. terima kasih, Kak Maizan & Ireena..

Lama pulak abe pegi solat isya', rupa2nya bawak balik lagi ros 3 kuntum.. sempat snap sebelum 'Aisya kutip semua.. terima kasih, abe..
Another purple bouquet! From Farah via fb.. terima kasih Farah..

Dan terima kasih kepada semua - mak & Maimanah for the gift (also purple) - mak, abah & Sharizan for the e-cards, Usayd, Aween, Khansa' dan semua yang mendo'akan serta semua yang membuatkan hari ini ceria dan bermakna..

Terima kasih, ya Allah.. atas nikmat usia dan kebahagiaan yang Engkau izinkan aku kecapi. Terima kasih atas insan-insan yang Engkau kirimkan buat menemani pelayaran ini..


21 Oktober 2009

Antara hadiah terbaik dari Allah di awal pagi daripada --

Detik Kematian
Album : Nur Insani
Munsyid : Inteam

Tertulis kematian
Pada suratan kehidupan
Namun hanya ALLAH yang tahu
Bilakah ajal bakal bertamu
Detiknya menghampiri
Tanpa petanda yang menanti
Bila tiba saatnya nanti
Tak siapa dapat melarikan diri
Itu hakikat dan kepastian
Hadirnya tidak pernah kita alukan
Tua dan muda, miskin dan kaya
Semua insan pasti melaluinya
Sakit dirasa tidak terkata
Tika dipisahkan jiwa dari jasadnya
Hanya amalan bisa redakan
Bebanan derita di ambang kematian
Denyutan nadi akhirnya terhenti
Bersama nafas yang tak terhela lagi
Kerana jiwa meninggalkan pergi
Pulang kembali untuk menghadap Ilahi
Dari ALLAH kita datang,
KepadaNya kita pasti pulang
Detiknya pasti tiba
Adakah kita bersedia?

Monday, October 19, 2009

30 Syawal

hari ini dah hari terakhir Syawal.

sesekali ada rindu yang menjenguk, mengintai ketenangan dan saat-saat manis ketika Ramadhan. ajal manusia itu kan antara dua Ramadhan..

esok akan masuk bulan ke-2 selepas Ramadhan. bulan kedua ujian diteruskan, samada tarbiyyah Ramadhan menunjukkan hasil.. ada lagi 11 bulan lapangan ujian, sebelum lecture dan training kembali bermula.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Cukup Bagiku

Pagi tadi while driving to work I had a rezeki of listening to - forum rakyat. At the end of the forum tu Ust Zamri menghidangkan halwa telinga to conclude the discussion. That was the first time I listened to the song, and sementara beratur panjang kat Jalan Tun Razak tu, I took a chance to follow the lyric - short but terkesan and still playing in my head until now -- Cukup Bagiku --

penuhi jiwa ini dengan satu rindu
rindu untuk mendapatkan cinta-Mu
meski tak layak ku harap debu cinta-Mu
meski begitu hina ku bersimpuh

cukup bagiku Allah, segalanya bagiku
di hatiku ini penuh berisi segala tentang Allah
kepada nabi Muhammad, tercurah shalawat Allah
tiada Tuhan selain Allah, cukup bagiku Allah

hasbi Rabbi Jalallah
mafi qolbi Ilallah
alalhadi sholallah
laa ilaa ha Illallah

Dan segala yang berlaku beberapa hari ini semuanya tersimpul kejap dalam satu i'tiqad - Cukup Bagiku.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

LAW & REALTY: Importance of legal representation

Don’t try to save on legal fees and end up paying more if your rights and interests are somewhat compromised.

There are many pitfalls that await unsuspecting purchasers in sale and purchase transactions. One of the most serious ones is the issue of legal representation. Who does the solicitor represent in a sale and purchase transaction or loan transaction? Before we explore the different scenarios, just remember that the cardinal rules of conveyancing are "each party to a transaction should engage his own solicitor" and "a solicitor shall not act for more than one party in a particular transaction".

One Solicitor & Property Unencumbered

Very often in a case of purchase of a property which is unencumbered by the vendor, a solicitor is engaged by the purchaser to act for him, and the vendor chooses not to be represented in the sale transaction. It is common for a vendor to choose not to be represented as he does not wish to pay legal fees. In such cases, it is important for the vendor to know that the solicitor is only representing the purchaser.

If consent from a State Authority/Statutory Body is required before the vendor can sell the property, the vendor may appoint the purchaser's solicitor to apply for such consent. In such a case, the vendor must understand that the purchaser's solicitor may, where there is no conflict of interest and upon payment of the appropriate legal fees by the vendor, act for the vendor to obtain the necessary consent. This will not mean that the solicitor is acting for the vendor in the sale transaction.

The vendor may also engage the purchaser's solicitor to submit the vendor's real property gains tax returns, for which the vendor is liable to pay the appropriate fees that will be charged. If the vendor is not comfortable with this arrangement and feels that he needs separate legal advice in respect of the sale or the application for consent or the submission of tax returns, the vendor should engage his own solicitor to act for him in these transactions.

One Solicitor & Property Encumbered

In a case whereby the property sold is encumbered by the vendor, for example, charged to a financial institution, and the vendor is not represented in the sale transaction, the vendor may engage the purchaser's solicitors to act for the vendor in the discharge the property from the financial institution. The vendor will have to bear the legal fees for the discharge. In such a case, it does not mean that the purchaser's solicitor is acting for the vendor in the sale and purchase transaction as he is only acting for the vendor in the discharge transaction.

Two Solicitors

Ideally, the vendor and the purchaser should each seek separate legal representation in order to ensure that their respective rights and interests are fully protected. The vendor’s solicitor shall act for the vendor in the sale transaction, the discharge transaction (if any), the application for consent (if required), and the submission of the vendor's real property gains tax returns.

The purchaser’s solicitor shall then act for the purchaser in the purchase transaction and in the submission of the purchaser's real property gains tax returns.

If a purchaser requires a loan, the purchaser's solicitor may act for the purchaser's financier in the loan transaction.

Three Solicitors

If the purchaser's financier does not appoint the purchaser's solicitors to act for the financier in the loan transaction, then three solicitors may be involved in the transactions, that is, one for the vendor, one for the purchaser and one for the purchaser's financier.

Estate Agents and Developers

A purchaser may be pressurised by an estate agent to appoint a firm of solicitors recommended by the estate agent. A purchaser should not succumb to such pressure. As purchaser will be responsible for paying the legal fees, he should have the sole right to determine who should act for him.

Purchasers of property should beware of developers’ gimmicks like "free legal fees" or "subsidised legal fees". In some cases, the developer's panel solicitor may be representing the developer and not the purchaser and that is why the purchaser does not have to pay any legal fees. In other cases, the developer's panel solicitor may be acting for the purchaser and his fees are paid by the developer.

Every purchaser has a right not to use a solicitor on the developer's panel. Of course this may mean that the purchaser may not be entitled to the "free legal fees" or "subsidised legal fees".

The Financial Institution

Generally, all financial institutions in Malaysia, offer a loan to the borrower on condition that the borrower pays the legal fees of the solicitor appointed by the financial institution to complete the security documentation. In such cases, the borrower must bear in mind that the solicitor appointed by the financial institution is acting for the financial institution and not for the borrower, even though the borrower is paying the legal fees.

A borrower is entitled to seek independent legal representation for the loan transaction but this will mean that the borrower may have to pay two sets of legal fees, one for the financial institution's solicitor and one for his own solicitor. Hence in most cases borrowers choose not to be represented in the loan transaction.

Many legal practitioners are of the view that financial institutions should pay their own legal fees on a widely accepted principle that the costs of legal services should be paid by the recipient of those services. The current trend of zero-moving cost loan packages offered by financial institutions, where legal fees are borne by the financial institutions, is a correct move towards that direction.


To sum up, every party to a transaction needs independent and separate legal representation in order that his rights and interests are fully protected. If you think that you cannot afford the services of your own solicitor, then you should consider whether you can afford not to. The moral of the story is "don’t be penny wise pound foolish". Don’t try to save on legal fees and end up paying more if your rights and interests are somewhat compromised.

Friday, 03 November 2006 08:18am
©The Sun (Used by permission)By Nicole Tan

The writer is a member of the Conveyancing Practice Committee, Bar Council, Malaysia

Note: This column is brought to you by the Malaysian Bar Council for your information only. It does not constitute legal advice. You should therefore seek professional legal advice for your specific needs. Neither the Malaysian Bar nor the Sun Media Corporation Sdn Bhd shall be liable to any reader who suffers losses as a result of relying on this column.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009

Gelap Malam

Gelap malam ini sepi
Hanya bebintang bicara sendiri
Menanti kunjungan kekasih hati
Tiada teman buat berpuisi

Gelap malam kemudian disapa
Ada bisik meluah rasa
Melerai rindu di dada
Mengalun ayat cinta
Mengadu duka lara

Gelap malam bersaksi
Kaki yang berdiri
Air yang di pipi
Bisakah jadi bukti
Mampukah memimpin lepasi titi
Apakah berguna di sana nanti

Gelap malam pohonku
Ampuni dosaku
Rahmati hidupku
Hilangkan resahku
Cukupkan perluku
Agar tak kubergantung pada makhluk-Mu

Gelap malam kian ceria
Bahagia pertemuan penuh dirasa
Berseri-seri bercahaya
Indahnya lapangnya di jiwa
Tatkala nyawa diabdi pada-Nya

Aduhai, nikmatnya gelap malam bagi pemburu cinta Abadi
Ruginya gelap malam andai masih bermimpi
Malamnya seperti malam semalam, tetap tiada seri

Ref - 97:1-5

Welcome home Usayd and Maimanah~


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Nuha cepat sihat ye..

Nuha demam lagi. Malam tadi ke klinik, temp 39.5, doktor bagi antibiotik.
Harini walid ambil cuti. Ummi tak boleh nak cuti, ada appointment signing dengan client petang ni.
Nuha cepat sihat ye. Ummi saayang Nuha.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

15 Ramadhan

Amongst the challenging part of being parents for 'Aisya and Nuha is when they are tested through their health. Semalam ketika abe berkira2 untuk mengambil puteri-puteri kami dari taska, Cikgu Nora menghantar sms memberitahu badan Nuha panas.

Pulang saja dari taska, 'Aisya juga terlepek. "Kenapa kakak? Asthma?" Abe mengangguk. Aku ke dapur dan keluar semula menceriakan mereka dengan cup cakes comel buatan Kak Laily yang dihadiahkan Kak Maizan siangnya.

Panas badan Nuha bersilih ganti dengan batuk dan selsema. 'Aisya pula selang dua jam mencari inhaler. Semalaman ummi dan walid bergilir2 berjaga. Alhamdulillah pagi ni dah getting ok, dah mula tolong walid mengecat pagar.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


erti kebahagiaan itu terletak pada mata yang memandang
ada yang bahagia dengan menerima
ada juga yang bahagia dengan memberi
malah ada yang bahagia melihat orang menerima

bahagia sementara itu bahagia dunia

tidak salah, cuma tidak kekal
bahagia akhirat itu yang ultimate
bila bahagia bertemu dengan Yang Abadi

wahai hati, ikhlaslah..
kerna di situ ada bahagia menanti

Sunday, August 23, 2009



situasi 1

Ummi: Kakak, bagi adik sikit biskut tu. Adik nak.
Kakak: Tak nak. Ni kakak punya. Walid beli untuk kakak. Nanti ummi beli lah untuk adik.
Ummi: Kakak ni, cuba jadi akhlak mulia sikit. Ummi tak sayang lah. Cepat bagi satu dekat adik. Kalau tak kejap lagi ummi tak nak bawak kakak pergi jalan.
Kakak: Ummi ni! Taknak kawan dengan ummi dengan adik. Kakak kawan dengan walid je. Ummi jahat.

Ummi cubit kaki kakak. Kakak bawa tin biskut lari ke dalam bilik merajuk. Adik merengek.

situasi 2

Ummi: Kakak boleh bagi adik biskut satu? Kakak akhlak mulia. Ummi saayang kakak.
Kakak: Kakak dah besar. Tengok ni kakak bagi dekat adik biskut. Makan sama-sama kan ummi.
Ummi: Baguus kakak. Nanti kita pergi jalan sama-sama ye.
Kakak: Ummi ni baik la. Kakak saayang ummi.

Kakak datang dan peluk ummi. Ummi cium pipi kakak. Adik makan biskut dengan gembira.

Isi yang lebih kurang sama tapi nada dan approach yang berbeza. Hasil pun berbeza. Cuma kena kreatif dan sabar. Amat sabar.
More about tips keibubapaan.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Pandangan Mata

Tak semua apa yang mata lihat itu benar.
Kadang kala mata cepat memandang apa yang orang lain punya itu indah dan sempurna.
Tapi tak semestinya..

Bukankah apa yang Allah aturkan bagi setiap orang itu memang perfect untuk dia..
Dan apa yang kita dapat dan tidak dapat actually adalah yang terbaik untuk kita..

Ref - 2:286

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ramadhan dan Tazkiratul Maut


Seminggu dua ni banyak diperingatkan dengan berita kematian. Tengahari tadi dikhabarkan dengan pemergian Ust Asri Rabbani ke rahmatullah, rebah ketika sidang media di Angkasapuri. Inna lillaahi wa inna ilaihi raaji'un..

"Aku adalah pengejar syurga akhirat, bagiku dunia ini adalah tempat mempersiapkan segala sesuatu untuk meraih syurga akhirat; aku yakin bahawa syurga akhirat tidak akan pernah dapat aku raih kecuali aku boleh menikmati syurga dunia terlebih dahulu. Maka rumah dan keluargaku adalah syurga dunia paling indah buatku. Tempat kerja syurga dunia harianku. Tetangga, masyarakat,dan bangsa adalah syurga duniaku yang lebih luas. Ke manapun dan sampai bila-bila pun syurgaku selalu bersamaku..."

Malam Jumaat lepas diberitakan dengan pemergian Pok Ngoh, adik arwah ayah di Kuantan. Kami sekeluarga bertolak pagi Jumaat, terus ke Tanah Perkuburan Kampung Pandan 2 dekat Taman Tas. Liver failure. Kali terakhir bertemu beliau, 'Eidulfitri 2008.

Ahad malam, terima sms, atok sedara Kak Maizan meninggal dunia di Kota Bharu. She's taking flight with her parents that night.

Isnin pagi, masuk office and downloaded new e-mails, one of them is berita pemergian ibunda En. Zahir (Abg Wan) ke rahmatullah.

Inna lillaahi wa inna ilaihi raaji'un.. al-fatihah buat mereka yang telah pergi, takziah buat keluarga yang masih bernyawa.

Setiap berita kematian yang hadir bukanlah sekadar berita biasa. Itu peringatan. Sebaik-baik peringatan. Bersediakah aku, cukup sudahkah amal ibadahku, sudah selesaikah hutang-piutangku, adakah lagi orang yang belum kumaafkan, sudah diwariskankah ilmu dan kebaikan pada insan-insan lain..

Lebih bermakna lagi tazkiyyatunnafs dengan menjelangnya Ramadhan. Inilah peluang yang hanya sekali setahun untuk digarap. Barakahnya. Didikannya. Lailatul Qadarnya. Amalan sunnah diganjar fardhu, amalan fadhu diganda-gandakan. Tazkirah Ust Norazan tengahari tadi antara yang masih terdengar di telinga.

Ramadhan ini pasti lebih bermakna buatku..

Ahlan Wa Sahlan Marhaban

Ahlan Wa Sahlan Ya Ramadhan

Ahlan Wa Sahlan Marhaban

Ahlan Wa Sahlan Ya Ramadhan

Ramadhan menjelama lagi

menghimpun rahmat dan maghfirah

bertambah keberkatannya

dengan amal ibadah

diri tunduk keinsafan dan rasa berdosa

bulan kemuliaan yang dikurniakan ini

usah biarkan barokahnya

berlalu sia-sia saja

ia hadir bagai air bah

membasuh daki dunia

sambutlah Ramadhan dengan jiwa terbuka

seperti ketibaan orang yang kita cinta

dengan ucapan Ahlan Wa Sahlan Marhaban Ya Ramadhan

hati gembira pintu terbuka

rahmat Allah Yang maha Besar

kita beroleh mutiara hikmah Al-Qur`an

lantas di belenggu nafsu dan syaitan

didatangkan pula Lailatul Qadar

pengorbanan yang dibuat balasannya syurga

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Air Mata Keinsafan


Air mata keinsafan
Yang mengalir di malam sepi
Inilah dia pelembut jiwa
Bagi mendapat kasih Ilahi
Rintihan di pertiga malam
Dari seorang hamba yang dhoif
Kerna mengenang segala dosa
Moga mendapat keampunan dari Ilahi
Setiap kekasih Allah
Menempuhi jalan ini
Untuk mereka memiliki kejayaan
Ayuh bersama kita susuli
Perjalanan kekasih Allah
Agar kita tiada rugi
Dalam meniti hidup ini
Deraian air mata ini
Titisan yang paling berharga
Buat menyimbah api neraka
Moga selamat di titian Sirat
Bahagia menuju syurga abadi

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Night and Day of Nisfu Shaaban (Tonight)

Analising the presentation of AOL - Time Warner

ANT case study - group discussion

Two days out-of-office for a seminar - Prof. Viktoria Dalko on Mergers & Acquisition: Riffling the Economic Uncertainty via Corporate Restructuring. Interesting when it comes to numbers but a bit confusing when it went deeper into what behind the numbers. Wish to learn more on this, so as to appreciate the understanding of the clients' business and for the drafting part..

Back in office - 32 new e-mails unread. One from Syahir is amongst the attractive (which will inspire second reading after office hours - after most of the office mate left) -

-----Original Message-----
From: Ahmad Syahir Yahya []
Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2009 10:03 AM
Subject: Re: The Night and Day of Nisfu Shaaban (Tonight)

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Dear All,

According to the Muslim Calendar, tonight will be the Nisfu Shaaban (the Middle Night of Sha`ban) and thus I wish to share something about the significance of this night.

Nisfu Shaaban is also known as laylatul-bara’ah (the Night of Innocence) among Arabs. There are some hadiths that speak about Nisfu Sha`ban and its night. However, the scholars of hadith (Muhaddithun) say that most of the hadiths concerning this night are not authentic. They are weak (da`if) according to the criteria of the narrators and scholars of Hadith.

However, Imam Al-Mundhiri (died in 656 A.H.) in his famous book At-Targhib wat-Tarhib (vol. 2, pp. 116-120) reported fourteen hadiths on the subject of this night. The following points can be summarized from those hadiths:

1. The month of Sha`ban is a great month.

2. In this month Allah takes the account of His creation.
3. The Prophet Muhammad s.a.w loved to fast during this month. He used to fast most of the month of Sha`ban.
4. After sunset on the night of Nisfu Shaaban, Allah Taala in His great mercy and kindness turns towards His creation and asks, "Is there anyone who would seek My forgiveness and I forgive him (or her)? Is there anyone who is in need to ask Me and I provide for his (or her) needs. Is there anyone who is in pain and seeks My help and I help him (or her)? Is there…? Is there…?” until the time of Dawn."
5. The Prophet Muhammad s.a.w is said to have recommended prayers during this night and fasting during the following day.
6. It reported that the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w used to visit the Muslim cemetery on this evening and he used to pray for the deceased Muslims.
(source taken from

These are the things that we learn from some hadiths about the significance of this night. However, there are many practices and customs which people always perform over the past years during this night but have no reference in hadiths. There are also some superstitious beliefs about this night which not belong to the authentic teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah.

It is very recommendable for Muslims to recite the Quran as much as possible tonight (no specific chapter and verse required) and fasting the following morning i.e tomorrow.

We must try to follow the Qur’an and the authentic Sunnah of the blessed Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). It is our duty as Muslims to take advantage of all good occasions in Muslim calendar to revive our faith, to purify our souls, and to increase our love and devotion to Allah Taala, but we must follow the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.

May this email give some insights into the significance of Nisfu Shaaban and lets do our best to increase our amal ibadah during this great occasion.

In the meantime, the Holy Month of Ramadhan will be coming very soon..wishing u all Happy Ramadhan in advance! :)

Thank you.

Best Regards,

Ahmad Syahir Yahya.

Religious and Dakwah Committee of Azmi & Associates.

[] Eh, gotto go back, have to pick up the kids, and cook for dinner! Hope not to miss the tazkirah on 'approaching Ramadhan' tonight..

Friday, July 31, 2009


Kadangkala sepi itu indah
Bisa melerai segenap yang gundah
Tentuan Ilahi tak pernah salah
Cuma manusia yang pantas menyerah
